
Check LDA Land Record by CNIC

CHECK LDA LAND RECORD BY CNIC: If you want to check the LDA land record with CNIC, our private detectives in Pakistan can assist you. For the last 10 years, the Lahore Development Authority (LDA) has started to maintain its land record online. Now the LDA can check the LDA land record by cnic. It is...
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CRIME SCENE MANAGEMENT: As per the private detective in Lahore or private detectives in Pakistan, THE CRIME SCENE and its importance Crime scenes are where or where the crime took place. Although there is no specific legal definition, any location(s) connected to the crime that contains relevant evidence could be termed “the crime scene. A...
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Computer analysis in the investigation

Computer analysis in the investigation: The defendant Qasim is charged with receiving and possessing child pornography. A thorough computer analysis in the investigation revealed that file-sharing software (LimeWire) was utilized to distribute child pornography. A warrant for the search was issued to take a computer as well as evidence linked to a specific Internet Protocol...
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